A stormy night rescue.
Pilots Bob Calabrisi and newcomer Tom McFadden departed from Allegheny County a few hours ago to rescue three dogs in Charleston WV. The two Great Dane mixes were abandoned on [...]
Pilots Bob Calabrisi and newcomer Tom McFadden departed from Allegheny County a few hours ago to rescue three dogs in Charleston WV. The two Great Dane mixes were abandoned on [...]
On a special Mothers Day rescue pilots Jonathan Plesset and Pete Lehmann flew to Erie, PA to pickup two adorable Springer Spaniels. The sweetest two dogs of the year by [...]
Yesterday morning landpilot John Busin and newcomer Kevin Kautz drove the Martinsville, VA to pickup a huge load of animals. The boys spent the night in the area then woke [...]
One dog. One mission that we could never have envisioned would turn into something big. "Lets start a non-profit and rescue dogs with the airplane" The idea seemed far fetched, [...]
That sound you heard at 4:30 am was our Landplane firing up for an early morning departure. Landpilots Kristina and Lynda arrived in Charleston, WV to meet The Paws Squad [...]
The lanplane is on the move today! Landpilots John and Laura headed out at early this morning to Morgantown, WV to pickup 6 adorable doggies and bring them back here [...]
Laura and John woke up bright and early to meet up with their passengers. 29 doggies, all on the verge of being put down, saved by the team! Look at [...]
Well it was an amazingly gorgeous day in the sky. Pilots Brad Childs, Jonathan Plesset, Bob Calibrisi, and Jeff Bonasso first took the Diamond and the Cessna to breakfast to [...]
The landplane was on the road again today. The team ventured down to West Virginia and back to Pittsburgh with 10 adorable doggies in tow. Landpilots Melonie Mackie and Judy [...]
Pilots Jonathan Plesset and Jeff Bonasso took 653DS to Bekley WV this morning to save 4 adorable puppies. The mission is part of a multi-plane rescue to get these puppies [...]