We hugged our pets a little longer and a little closer this morning.

Today marked the first of multiple trips we are making in partnership with Humane Society International. Over 200 dogs are being airlifted from a meat farm in Wonju, South Korea. These animals; scared, emaciated, and kept for the purpose of being consumed, made a 7000 mile journey to Washington, D.C. Earlier today at Dulles airport Landpilots Lynda Manko and Laura Fruehan met up with the first 4. Over the next week 60 of these animals will board our Landplane for a second chance at private shelter partners in Western Pennsylvania and Ohio. Humane Society International is leading the way here in an unprecedented mission of hope.

Of all the countless hours we have spent flying and driving this mission has touched our hearts in ways that has left us overwhelmed with emotions. These dogs are in bad shape. To think that they would have ended up on someones diner plate is beyond comprehension. The No Dog Left Behind Team is honored to play a role in helping these animals on their journey to salvation. Its what we do and why we exist. We will make the trip back and forth from D.C. as many times as it takes so all of these special animals finish their journey. This experience is humbling for all of us. Over the next week or so we have decided to try and censor any images that are disturbing. We apologize if we offend anyone.

As of today we do not have any adoption information. These dogs need to be rehabilitated and that will take time. We will update you when we know.

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