WARNING cuteness overload, please proceed with caution!
WARNING cuteness overload, please proceed with caution Our fur crew transport today was ready to hit the road from West Virginia to Providence Animal Center in [...]
WARNING cuteness overload, please proceed with caution Our fur crew transport today was ready to hit the road from West Virginia to Providence Animal Center in [...]
36 cats take so much care and dedication to bring to safety! So much care and dedication goes into each of these transports to bring animals [...]
21 cats and one pup had quite an adventure today with our NDLB team! The sun was shining bright this morning during our pickup with DACR [...]
From rain storms this morning to sunshine this afternoon, our team made sure this fur crew of 61 made it to safety! Thank you to Dave [...]
The rescue teams are at it again. Working hard to make sure that these dogs and cats have the best life! Kentucky Saving Them Together, Inc. [...]
The van is loaded and on the road for our first transport of 2024! The Cat Crew has made their way to safety at Providence Animal [...]
Meowy Catmas to our wonderful fur crew that spent the day on the road to rescue with us.! We met some characters on this trip. From [...]
A Puurfect Crew was all Meows! The cat crew from DACR (Dream Away Cat Rescue) in West Virginia had a long day on the road to [...]
52 dogs and 12 Cats on the Road to Rescue! Both vans are loaded with the fur crew of 52 dogs and 12 cats from Kentucky [...]
A Puurfect Crew on this Road Rescue! On the road to rescue with the fur crew Such a puurfect group of cats and kittens that slept [...]