The best days are the ones when we’re rescuing animals
The best days are the ones when we’re rescuing animals. Today we started our morning loading 27 of the sweetest cats in our van from DACR [...]
The best days are the ones when we’re rescuing animals. Today we started our morning loading 27 of the sweetest cats in our van from DACR [...]
Cold days call for cuddles! Our morning started off with snow and extremely cold temps, but once the cat crew were loaded into the warm and [...]
Wishing this crew a very Meowy Christmas! Just a small group of 12 cats hopped on board our road rescue van early this morning in West [...]
23 Cats on Their Road Journey! Our amazing team, Dave and Walt, met up with DACR (Dream Away Cat Rescue) in West Virginia early this morning [...]
Cats on the Road to Rescue! Our day started as the sun was rising and our mugs were filled with coffee. We were ready to get [...]
All Meows on this Road Rescue The Cat Crew of 25 has made their way to safety today at Providence Animal Center with our team drivers, [...]
33 Dogs and 2 Cats on a Ride to Rescue The van was loaded with the fur crew from multiple shelters yesterday in Kentucky and headed [...]
Puurfect Crew on the Road to Rescue It’s a very Happy Day for this cat crew. All are waking up this morning at Providence Animal Center [...]
Cat rescue transport is complete 27 sweet cats and kittens made their way from DACR (Dream Away Cat Rescue) in West Virginia to Providence Animal Center [...]
On the Road With the Most Puurfect Crew Another busy week of rescue transports for our team. Early this morning we set out to meet the [...]