10 beautiful senior dogs found themselves homeless with nowhere to go after their owner passed away. Sadly they ended up in a county pound and were deemed unadoptable and slated for euthanasia. These poor souls—dubbed the “Tennessee Ten” captured the hearts of many and a movement began to save their lives led by our wonderful partners Senior Hearts Rescue & Renewal! Determined to save these dogs who were literally two days away from losing their lives, Denise Pavitt secured foster for these little teddy bears one by one until they were all safe. All they needed now was a lift to PA and we were happy to go get them and bring them to safety!
No Dog Left Behind land pilots Captain Dennis Bayne and first timer student pilot Mitch Lisa Bernard left yesterday morning, rested up at a Tennessee hotel last night, and loaded these guys up at 6am this morning to make the long journey back to Pittsburgh. The “Tennessee Ten” Alice, Alex, Ted, Stan, Jake, Kirby, Josh, Michelle, Barney, and Fred-welcome to PA little buddies! You’re safe now and life is about to get really good thanks to the caring hearts of so many!
It truly does take a village, so much good comes out of people working together. This is a beautiful example of just that. ❤️🐾🐻