Did you know that chickens prefer classic rock? We didn’t either until we had 8 rescued chickens on a No Dog Left Behind Transport with Landpilots Rachel Logan and Amber Porter. 8 chickens made the journey from Danger to Safety yesterday on mission that started at 3:45am. Rachel and Amber made their way to Sate College, PA to meet Christine of Second Chance Chickens Microsanctuary where 8 Cornish Chickens crossed the road and took a second chance journey with our team. Once back in Pittsburgh all 8 chickens were taken to Hope Haven Farm Sanctuary where they now live out their lives free of danger and in farm luxury! Great work Rachel, who happens to be our Operations Manager, and Amber. #nochickenleftbehind
Help us continue to offer these kinds of missions free of charge to the sending and receiving shelter. These trips can mean life and death for an animal. Support our cause by coming to our 5th Annual Dog Days Of Summer Fundraiser presented by VCA Fox Chapel Animal Hospital. Tickets now on sale.
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