Sometimes the best missions we do are just for one animal. Its not often that we can afford one dog air rescues but when we do they are for a special reason. Meet Noah. He was a stray that had been living near a railroad track for the past 10 years. Locals referred to him as “their” stray and fed him over the years. He was spotted with a bad paw that needed medical attention. He was taken to our friends at B.A.R.C Boone Animal Rescue Coalition where he got medical attention and immediately warmed up. His personality was contagious. 10 years living alone but still loved people, wanting to be a part of their pack. No Dog Left Behind Chief Pilot Pete Lehmann flew the Diamond alone today to get this amazing dog. Noah is going to Club Pet Adoption where he will get a chance to spend his golden years with a loving family. Amazing work everyone. Thanks for changing this animals life. Welcome to the pack Noah.
By PaaRTUserLogin25689|2015-10-22T12:49:48+00:00October 22nd, 2015|Blog, Dog Rescue|Comments Off on One Special Dog